You love to tell me all the news, the weather and the scores Your stories pour out in a chain reaction But here's another subject I would like us to explore Say no more - just show me Love In Action Love In Action When we're hungry, just to hear some talk about good food Won't fill us up, won't give us satisfaction In fact it hurts to hear it; now, don't think of me as crude I'm in the mood - come show me Love In Action Love In Action Hearts in harmony Minds and bodies dancing We both know how good love will be Your voice can be the sweetest music I have ever heard Its melodies can be my main attraction But here's a time when nothing but the rhythm is preferred Don't say a word - just show me Love in Action Love In Action Hearts in harmony Minds and bodies dancing We both know how good love will be The words must mean so much to you, you love to hear them said I love them too, but know they're just a fraction And ears that long to hear the words are easily misled Let's go to bed - I'll show you Love In Action Love In Action Hearts in harmony Minds and bodies dancing We both know how good love will be