As, My mind drifts off, In deceitful slumber I cannot shake the vision of your eyes, Emerald green inside a ghostly, Pale, I still hold dear this, Remembrance of you to no end, To no end, To no end, To no end. Where could you wander, On this very night? I pass your shadow, With every, Step, Spectral hands caress, This tortured, Soul, I feel you move inside, My bleeding, Heart until i die. Painful, Imagery, Reflects, Upon, The sky, I swore, To set you free, And so i, Did, My, Paradise, Appeared, To be your, hell, I whispered, Your name, To hear the reply, Let me go, | let me go, Let me go, Let me go, Let me go, Let me go, Let me go, Let me go, Let me go, Memories fade only, To surface, Now, I offered you my small, And fragile, World, Risen in memory storm, Wasted, My life, You taught me the real meaning of love, It's pain, Emerald green inside ghostly pale, I do not know the blade now in my hands, Your luminent eyes eternally set upon me, I take this final step with thee, My laurelin, My laurelin, My laurelin.