ARTUS: Winters were gone, wars were won, I have done peace in my land. My whole fate, in Merlins hand, somehow I understand. It´s a present of King Lodegrance, a roundtable with seats. For thirty knights, in the hugest hall, for the bravest ones. ARTUS & MERLIN: It was beautiful years, at the heart of the kingdom. Place of tournaments and feasts... ARTUS: ...down in Camelot! MERLIN: I have searched the bravest ones, brought `em down to Camelot. Warriors with a heart and a soul. Peace and freedom for all. ARTUS: Pellinore, Ewain and Tristan, Gawain and his brother Gaheris. Nights of the roundtable, thirty warriors in Camelot. ARTUS & MERLIN: It was beautiful years, at the heart of the kingdom. Place of tournaments and feasts... ARTUS: ...down in Camelot!