The night is falling down, you're bleeding heart seems to be broken- 'caus no one's there. Where's this veil of light that guides you? Where's the shining star that lights your way- back home one day. Just take a look up to the sky, take a breath and fly so high. No one's alone - you should not cry! Carry on - you're not the only one. The future's in the air, so please don't care! Carry on - you're not the only one. The future's in the air, so please don't care! A kind of empty silence, shattered hopes are hunting through your dreams- nothings what it seems. Where's the one who can save your heart now? Where's the one who'll share the life with you- to help you through. Just take a look up to the sky, take a breath and fly so high. No one's alone - you should not cry! Carry on - you're not the only one. The future's in the air, so please don't care! Carry on - you're not the only one. The future's in the air, so please don't care!