With torn-out heart in my hand, I venture further on, Never to set foot on this place again Oh, hated talisman! My sanity went away With the first sight, With blistering force And most joyful delight. „Oh, now you see the way, We can be together, For an eternity." Your will shall be my deity! I've became the pulverizer Of skulls and bones, Everything For her wishes. By drinking the Vitae of life, I get closer and closer to my Beloved one The cost is so high, But feelings keep me On this treacherous path, For my life's desire. I've foreseen The devastation, With my mind's Complete corruption! Cutting my way Through the human barrier; The route I'm on Couldn't be much heavier. All the bloodshed! I'm demented! I don't see the end And nowhere's the long-waited loved one! You have done this to me! Took away my sanity, Carved out my within! I tear my heart out, To make life go away, But nothing is too easy, When dealing the devil's way. I'm who past and future sees Through your eyes! My ecstasy is destruction Like all talismans!