There will come a time when all shall be called upon to prove their relevance "Are you worthy of life or deserving of death?" No longer shall the weak and scared control the destinies of the strong and willful "No longer will the lion be stalked by the lamb" The time has come for an evolution beyond the species It is time to raise the flag of superiority To tear down the boundaries of morality In the name of the Ubermensch march! What you call arrogance we know as relevance We shall reshape this world in our image Create a new species with unbridled ambition Using Eugenics to breed perfection Create a new race beyond color or nationality destroy this illusion makes our ideals a reality Will to power through strength arise Birth of the Ubermensch through mankind's demise Stand in the way of the future and the future will crush you in its wake Restore our honor and pride To rage on the outside yet be calm inside Strengthen our resolve with justified disgust Listen to our instincts and in ourselves trust Let no truth go unquestioned Let no question go unanswered To seek clarity in this world's insanity To find perfection of mind and body Will to power in this new age of reason Cowards and peacemongers we'll hang you for treason Stand in the way of the future and the future will crush you in its wake! Hail Ubermensch! Hail Ubermensch! Resequence the genome to create superiority Recreate reason make our ideals a reality The future is what we make it to be Darwin's theories prey returned to inferiority Creation of Nietzsche's ideals through science now reality Hail Ubermensch hail Ubermensch What makes us superior? Strength of mind strength of will What makes us superior? Strength of our bodies and ambition to fulfill What makes us superior? Pride that cannot be broken What makes us superior? An honor that need not be spoken What makes us superior? We have the ambition to achieve perfection What makes us superior? We have the will to make it so What makes us superior? We have the ambition to achieve perfection Hail Ubermensch! Hail Ubermensch!