Art Of Murder Do what thou wilt, true law of this universe, chaos this place, this world , this reality, is cloaked, in an eternal,, eclipse where the light has been permenantly vanquished and the serenity of the night is forevermore All wait with baited breath for the stormclouds are on the horizon the dead are rising The four bringers of the end are born again tonight the heavens shall hear our battlecry Storm the pearly gates Prepare thyself for war!!!!! The blue sky turns black as smoke rises from the burning bodies the smell of burnt flesh chokes the lungs of the warriors of the dark ones ascent the staircase to the heavens Blackened bodies of the angels of the angels lay in heaps before the pearly gates the battering ram crashes again and again at last the great gates broke and fell to the ground In a rush the hordes charged forth the taste of blood intoxicating there minds the first died quickly but still our army marched on On and on and on and on Storming the Heavens! (Repeat) Then into the growing blackness of the sky four cloaked figures materialized forces created from pure hate and malice born to bring chaos to the world from within them there did arrise a scream that killed all letting nothing survive and in the chaos beneath they heard... "let there be no more life above or below!" Total Genocide of the Human Race! Upon the world beneath there did rain blood for forty days and forty nights and as the drowning looked up for salvation they witnessed there heavens burning and where deafened by the screams of angels As Satan looked up from the fiery pits of Hell he did witness gods head impaled upon a spike before the fallen pearly gates and once again they heard... Let there be no more life above or below (repeat)