The sands of the hourglass are running thin The ticking time bomb will explode if there's a devil, imagine his grin for humanities demise is closing in We are pure evil, we are the human race Delusions of granduer, convince the mind of elevated progression without knowing all the strings have been fixed in place this cut throat world can not be replaced Like army ants stripping all life bare to crust the timer has been set to self destruct The wheels continue to turn on the propaganda machine building up a false sense of stability, throw the use of media schemes Brainwashing masses so they will consume Until all is diminished, bringing on mas hysteria from the eternally sedated Elevation into disintegration Self caged incubators are sheltering the reckoning of mass confusion when total destruction comences Cities will fall, oceans will rise, this is the mass incinerator called mankind Rotting bodies and smouldering flesh no one will be around to be overwhelmed by the stench of decomposing bodies littered across a barren wasteland Toxic sludge mixed in with boiling blood The death soup of humanity is almost done