
Tyranny (feat. Pritam Adhikary)


I know what you are

You’re an actor, performer
Painting yourself in the white light
Detested the wretched
Distance yourself from the low-life
When doing right’s not right enough
You flex your heart or you’re giving up
The high ground to me

We say we want to wait to blame
But I don’t think we do
We’re all afraid to be the one who’s
Late to choose the greater truth, and
We say we want to be the change
Then we throw them to the wolves to feel
When all is done, we’re in the right
The side of history

You know, they won’t grow
So bathe in your light
Dismiss that there might be a dissent
Hold truths we deem self-evident
(Don’t let it go)
Be oh so right to stay above it
Above where I am for the ground we covet
(Don’t give it up to me)

We say we want to wait to blame
But I don’t think we do
We’re all afraid to be the one who’s
Last to choose the vaster truth, and
We say we want to be the change
Then we throw them to the wolves again
We’re right, we’re always right, we swear we’re right
It’s tyranny

Flaunting your righteousness
Cast a foe to frame against you
Have you nothing more to give?
Lauded you call them out
No favor you reap to call them in
Lacerated, we betray our kind

Chances lost to guide them
To right them
Throw them to the wolves to feed
Not planting the seeds

নিস্পৃহ, আমার এ শরীরে
এত আলো, অযাচিত, কে জ্বালালো?
নিস্পন্দ, অবসন্ন বিষণ্ণতা
আমায় ঘিরে থাকে
অনাহুত চিৎকার!
নিস্পৃহ, আমার এ শরীরে
নিস্পৃহ, আমার এ শরীরে
কত স্বপ্ন!

অপূর্ণতার শৃঙ্খল, ভেঙে দাও!

Detached from this form of mine
Who, unsought, kindled all these lights?
Mute, depleted sorrow
Surrounding me
Unbidden screams!
Detached from this form of mine
Detached from this form of mine
So many dreams!

Shackled to incompleteness—
Break away