Eartha Kitt

Mink, Schmink

Eartha Kitt

A friend of mine called me up not long ago
He knew me since I was knee high to a grasshopper
But I evidently didn't give him the right answer because he said to me

Mink, schmink, money, schmoney
Think your hot now don't ya honey
What have you got if you haven't got love?

Silk, schmilk, satin, schmatin
A penthouse high in old Manhattan
That's not enough if you haven't got love

Happiness is not a thing that you can buy
It takes loving, lotsa loving from the right guy

Pearls, schmearls, ermine, shmermen
From Jim or Jack or Joe or Herman
That's not enough if you haven't got love

Ring, schming, jewelry, schmellery
Don't you know that's just Tom Foolery?
What have you got if you haven't got love?

Cars, schmars and princes, schminces
With caviar and chicken blintzes
Don't mean a thing if you haven't got love

Love is just a simple thing that you can't buy
You can't get it wholesale, darlin', why try?

Tips, schmips, angle, schmangle
Play around and get entangled
What have you got if you haven't got, haven't got love?

I'll take the Jaguar on the right