The Early November

Session 07

The Early November

(After I learned about my parents, they asked me to live with them. And I didn't want to but I really had no choice. So I finished out the school year, where I was, I lived with my grandfather, and uh, then I moved in with them. And you know what, it was great. I was happy. I was happy and I knew it. I clapped my hands.)
(Yeah, if it was only like that. Oh well. It was hard then, and I was already really bad with people skills. And I had to start all over again pretty much. Anything I felt secure with was gone. And you know what it was probably the only time in my life that I was actually excited to go to school. Not to learn, or get made fun of, but to get out of the house and get away from them. And now that I think about it, I don't think school was any easier.)

Depois que eu conheci melhor meus pais, eles me chamaram pra morar com eles. Na verdade eu não queria, mas não tinha outra escolha. Então eu terminei aquele ano na escola onde eu estava, eu morava com meu avô e depois me mudei com eles. E quer saber? Foi ótimo. Eu estava feliz. Eu estava feliz e eu sabia disso. Eu aplaudia.

É, se era assim. É mais complicado, eu não tinha muitas habilidades. E, basicamente, eu tinha que começar tudo de novo. Tudo que eu me sentia seguro tinha acabado. E quer saber? Foi a primeira vez que eu me senti animado para o primeiro dia na escola. Não para aprender, ou me divertir, mas para sair daquela casa e me ver livre deles. E pensando melhor, eu não acho que na escola foi mais fácil.