
White Lie Lullabies


Vicarious figures with bags on their eyes pop blue eyes
Looking as tired as you when you’re tired as me
Just put my runners companions in sink living blind
When we brush our teeth we strive to fall down the sink
I’m fracturing our clothes off the dashboard Sunday lights
Just to silence one days crime
Vicarious figures with bags on their eyes pop blue eyes
Singing white lie lullabies
Spend hours and hours while kids scream
And brush nursery rhymes
All the wise tooth with the fires when they sleep with lies
White lie lullabies
White lie lullaby
White lie lullaby
Oh, an anchor with a W it won’t become a frost

Vicarious figures bags on their eyes pop blue eyes
Listening white lie lullabies
Spend hours and hours while kids scream nursery rhymes
And anchor with a W