I'm a fuckin' miracle, I should be in a museum People should study my body to figure out what I am A fuckin' miracle I had to say it again, give me a pat on the back You're lucky just being my friend A fuckin' miracle I had to write a little song just to get my kanye on Cooler than a cold day with the shade drawn Some days you gotta feel your oats And when the self esteem is low, really gloat I really float my tracks are clouds I'm like a care bear flippin' when I'm spittin' moving packs of crowds I haven't done it in a minute, but I'm back for good So excited and delighted that I'm packing wood Held my tongue for too long Need some new songs Middle school rappers back your bag and move on The summer is gone and hip-hop's alive I feel envigorated like when big pop arrived Sloppy rhymes have got me pissed off Now grown folks are convined hip-hop is this soft Respect your elders, read a book Stop thinking speaking english is being shook I'm hip-hop to death, but I rock so hard that I shock the left And the right side, same time popping shit 'Till my tongue turns brown can't hold my breath The modern day j. Cash all I wear is black And blue jeans, new things don't compare me to that No addictions cept for spittin' and comparing the facts Socratic method when I question why you fallin' for that Monotheistic, simplistic, thoughts get shifted Pushed to the back for rhetoric that's uplifting Sift through the text for some shit that you like Then trash all the rest cause the left can't be right I know it's hard, know your God Ponzi scheme the oppressive new fraud Depression is a human way to test your will So you grip upon your bible and ingest that pill I'd be a hypocrit for shittin' on some substance abuse Man we love the abuse, mix the vodka with juice Stay sippin' inhibitions stop grippin' the noose 'Till you toe up and throw up from bending the truth But your keel stays even from the demons that you fight From your yin to your yang its the reason your right With a fist in the air, and your ear to the tracks Keep your eyes open knowing you ain't falling for that No chips on my shoulder as I get older But real life keeps telling me to just fold up And shelve my hope, like my shit's past due But fuck it I spill ink, let it bleed right through The paper, clinched teeth 'till the verse is spit 26 Years of shit is why I'm merciless on the mic A clown in real life the strong silent type That's why I sit back and chill 'till the time is right And right now, I'm up in this mic booth With my foot jammed up in an aircast boot Turn tragedy to triumph, I can't spit it through the wire But I'll beast a fucking taxi cab and its rolling tires I hold back to speak when my thoughts are lucid Tryin' not to get addicted to this oxy bullshit But shit I've been spittin' real satirically lately Pat yourself on the back, you're a miracle baby