look at our ranks awaiting battle so proud hear the drums sounding for our righteous cause we've chosen our ground we'll fight for our kingdom we'll make our last stand and we won't be defeated horizon is swarming with… …black shadow creatures they're close now i see them their horns and spikes and ugly grins their cries chill my bones their sight makes my heart faint i'm glad i'm not standing alone on this field and now it's time for the blades to sing to sing the tunes of this holy war today we decide the fate of the world our hope pounding loud in our hearts . look at those fools going to battle so proud firmly believing they'll save the world they entrust our salvation to the might of their swords they're blind to the odds we're completely outnumbered …black shadow creatures they're close now i feel them their scorn and spite brushing my skin this fight's not my own this is not where my path leads i know that i do not belong on this field and now it's time... the battle is decided is (now) decided we flee now or we die they tried and failed i failed with them my quest is far far from over and now it's time...