my fathers were neither kings nor great warriors their names not remembered in songs there is no greatness there is no splendour in the blood that's been passed on to me my sword is only as strong as my arms my arrows not as swift as my eyes i am not destined for any great deeds but i trust the judgement of those who know more of these matters, who've lived longer than me those who know secrets of old who see hidden truths in their dreams even though i don't know if i'm worthy of this task i will do as i'm told i trust the judgement if the wise i still wonder why i've been chosen for so great and daring a task the elders must be mistaken, i'm not who they think i am . how can i be the hero to erase darkness with light ? i who has no great virtue i who is but a man but i trust the judgement of those who know more of these matters, who've lived longer than me those who know secrets of old who see hidden truths in their dreams even though i don't know if i'm worthy of this task i will do as i'm told i trust the judgement if the wise my fathers were neither kings nor great warriors their names not remembered in songs there is no greatnes there is no splendour in the blood that's been passed on to me my sword is only as strong as my arms my arrows not as swift as my eyes i am not destined for any great deeds but i trust...