
The Apogee Of Human Race Time Being


There are crimes excited by passion
As well as offenses dictated by passionless logic
To distinguish them criminal code uses premeditation term
For its own convenience

We live in epoch of the criminal plans performed with filigree
Modern transgressors are no longer those naive children
Waiting for forgiveness due to mother’s adoration
These people are of sound mind shielded by undeniable excuses

Their philosophy can serve anything
And is even able to transform a killer into judge
Assert that it is possible to chop off any human f
Rom the social herd in an absolute way
Because if every person is perfectly evil means confession
That public society is utterly good

We doubt this is what every sensible man shall believe in
Moreover, it is much easier to trust in the contrary
Which justifies all social disorders preliminary
We have become that evil and criminal only due
To human race elected itself as initial cause

And is seriously concerned
With self-preservation and historical regress
Society is no doubt de-sacred
But starting from nineteenth century it had been creating
Certain religion substitute as an object for worshiping

Evolutionary doctrines and ideas of natural selection
Accompanying them made society of future
As the highest aim of weak humanity
Political utopias implanted to mentioned doctrines
Predict golden age as apogee of human race time being