
Discretion Leak


Do you still hope to conquer the system
Where flattery and mutual protection beat a path
For the right person while defaming into dust
The rest of unlucky ones?

Small people, sitting in their cozy comfort zones
Do splutter violently while playing patriots
And using paper orders to ship the armies straight to death
Divide or merge the whole countries apart
As well as wasting millions of civilians and not giving a single chance
Of pity to external enemy image helpfully provided
(Oh, well, imposing) by Big Brother

At the same time people of slightly another sort
Are sitting in much more comfortable thrones
And de facto implement waking dreams of dodgy herd

However profit coming from their frauds
Is clear and available only to the narrow circle
Of most influential persons who enjoy national wealth
And laugh up their sleeves with arrogance against poverty-ridden
Ants somewhere near the human hive bottom

Nevertheless every bug is blindly concerned
In its own unshakable rightness and is ready
To defend humanity’s miserable positions
Till the last hair remaining

How tragically it is to notice when cog in the machine
Considers itself as engine and core of the mechanism
And how united the screw is with those governing history millstones
Thereby providing oiled path for rubbish projects of the rich supreme

And though the engine shall require replacement
Sooner or later, within this period a thousand of cogs
Shall be relegated to oblivion, straight before the memory
About the nutters who led us into abyss is also wasted

We may battle with injustice to fight for democratic
Laws and overthrow corrupted governors
But the only thing shall remain the same

You are going to be gutted
And none of your existence traces shall be left