Today was the day, on which the romans had to fear our wrath They set us against theirselves Varus was that foolish to believe, victory would be surely theirs But he had to bloody see whose sword was faster! Varus, varus, army commander, your death is not far! Soon it will be done, this sounds into the night, You begin to kill yourselves - so huge is our might! And when this battle's over, we'll pay tribute to the gods. The green idyll was soaked through with red breath The trees were scarred with war's marks Brothers and enemies lay on the ground, without any sign of life But donar was with us - his strength on our side! Varus, varus, army commander, your death is not far! Soon it will be done, this sounds into the night, You begin to kill yourselves - so huge is our might! And when this battle's over, we'll pay tribute to the gods. On their way to their winter storage the troops of varus Went through lands they did not know And their alleged ally arminius - who planned the roman's campaign - rode in front. In the land of gulches and swamps The germanic tribes attacked And lured the inferior romans into their end! Varus, varus, army commander, your death is not far! Soon it will be done, this sounds into the night, You begin to kill yourselves - so huge is our might! And when this battle's over, we'll pay tribute to the gods.