Dynamite Hack

Blue Sky

Dynamite Hack

I want out of here
There's got to be
Some place
For the dream in me
Looking out 
At Pacific sunsets
To Austin sunsets
Wish it could've been you
Instead of her cold eyelids
That close and close
And never open
Here's to hopin'
Give me one more chance
To try to be
A little more unkind
Hide those things 
That you don't want me to know
Is it true?
If you were here I'd ask you

Don't you think the sky is really blue?
Not a cloud in sight
Well maybe one or two
Too few to mention
The music stares at me
So cold and sequential
Keeping time with the perfect sounds
Of my heart beating
Slow it down
Twist it around
And slam me on my back
In anxious waves of idle time
Pass over me
And make me aware
Is it true?
If you were here I'd ask you
The sky is blue
If you were here I'd ask you

I suck your kisses down
I suck your kisses down
I suck your kisses down
It's true
The sky is blue
If you were here I'd ask you