worrying desire of transcending sayings terrible sensation of Desertion vulgar anger impulses my metal state my actual state absorbed by the vitreous glassy liquid of my arbitrary starvation moments spent in understanding the game in another context I would have taken possession I would have elected my new path making my strings vibrate shouting to time, crying inside I can't I don't have to I don't want to I see my old vision vanishing like the breath passing through my harm I tighten it, I fill it with my condition I'm unarmed before events foolish miniatures, temporary alterations Dilemmas the game is keeping for me iniquitous joy, iniquitous joy flavour disappeariNg from my emotions slow, relentless, clever it insinuates itself carrying myriads of sounds I don't like it I don't want it now I know it flooded in my mind bridled in my heart I would like to listen to new sounds to be stripped from my mental iterations already ragged behaviour structures protectiNg a shield erected by myself that has no reason to exist