
Sins As Wonders


What’s there left to do in this world but drown in your sins
A planet so blinded by
Seven things
Why write them off so soon when you have just begun
When you have just begun
Oh, oh
The skeletons in your closet still have the flesh on their bones still from the makeshift morgue in your home
You’re not alone
You’re not alone in this hell
We might as well we might as well join you

The seven wonders of this world
Is something in us
Is something curled
Up into the lives
Of each other
Of husbands and wives
That can’t seem to stand by
Each other’s sides
Fake love is not
Fake love is not
Fake love is not hard to find

The skeletons in your closet
Still have the flesh on their bones
Still from the makeshift morgue on their homes
They’re not alone
They’re not alone in this hell
We might as well
We might as well join you
Join you
We’re almost as equally guilty
Equally guilty
Equally guilty

Like a good guy to a bad plot
There’s a crooked cop
That can’t cease to stop
All the madness flowing through his mind
The adrenaline rush helps him through everyday of his life
Adrenaline rush
Helps him through everyday of his life
Adrenaline rush helps him through everyday of his life

Of his life
Of his life
Of his life
Of his life
Of his life

It’s time to own
It’s time to own up
It’s time to own up to your mistakes
It’s time your gun
Its time you’re gonna
It’s time you’re gonna have to pay

It’s time to own
It’s time to grow up
It’s time to own up to your mistakes
Go get your gun
It’s time to run now run now
Run away
Run away

Don’t blink or close your eyes
Or forever be surprised
To the notion you’re going to die
In future moments
Oh I could picture a time
When there was a line that wouldn’t be crossed
What a dream so lost
In the abyss of all the good hearts instead of the selfish people