


Put me away like a book to a shelf
And I'll collect the dust and you can go on your merry way
Put me away bend the page on the corner so you can start
Wherever you stopped last
You can start wherever you stopped last
Last last last last
Last last last last
Someday you'll lack a future where you can't start
Where you stopped last
You can start wherever you stopped last

I'm in the shadows
There's others with me
Haven't been touched in
God knows how long

I feel the fingers
The prints they're leaving
Flowing with every second they're gone

Sometimes they're lucky
Then they get chosen
Only to come back
Lent to someone

Feels like forever since I have been here
When will I leave?

An obelisk stands in the way
Like a rock and a hard place
My position is then given away
As I yell and belt as loud as I have ever shouted out

Louder than I planned to at first but then I remembered how you came and went
Was it time well spent was it something that you just skimmed over
Was is something you
You skimmed over
You skimmed over

Put me away like a book to a shelf
And I'll collect the dust and you can go your merry way
Put me away bend the page on the corner so you can start
Wherever you last stopped last
Start wherever you stopped last
Last last last
You can start wherever you stopped last
Start wherever you stopped last
Last last last
You can start wherever you stopped last
Last last last last
Last last last last