Dwayne Ford

Clara's Justice

Dwayne Ford

I do not look for danger - danger - is never too far away
My enemies are standing right beside me
I do not seek for vengeance - but vengeance will be mine
I will not rest until my blade has found him
I walk across this hostile desert

Hand in hand with every ghost I’ve known
My nights are filled with terror
But my heart is strong - oh - oh
I hold the blade of justice - I pray that I can carry on
I must be cold and heartless - I will - I will
The drums of war keep pounding - but maybe it’s just my restless

My demons now surround me - I can see them still - oh - oh
Now I hold this blade above me - this will be my final deed
I see his blood before me - and I know I’m free - oh - oh
There is a god and I have stood before him
I must forgive so I can carry on - I will - I will - I will