She reaches out to touch me shes smiles when i get lost in her brown eyes just knowing that she loves me makes everything thats wrong in my world alright and then I jump out of bed, and i jump in the shower get dressed in a hurry, just to wait in rush hour drink cold coffee from a styrofoam cup sittin at my desk workin just as the sun comes up the phones don't stop and my head keeps spinnin gotta keep puttin up with the crap just to make a livin its yes sir no sir havent got the answer call me in the mornin its past five again and then She reaches out to hold me it's peace i find when im in her lovin heart just knowin that shes always there gives me the strength i need to keep goin on and then It's day after day of the same old thing cant help feeling like a puppet on a string to keep me dancin to the same old song before i know it my vacations come and gone im just sick and tired of the constant grind hangin by a thread goin out of my mind doctors, taxes, lawyers, faxes it a vicious circle goin round and round again and then Just knowin that she loves me makes everything thats wrong in my world alright and then and then