Duran Duran

Grey Lady of the Sea

Duran Duran

You've whispered out loud
But your breeze doesn't bend
We're lying in the palm of your hand
No land we see, no place to be
The salt of your tears, adds stain to our hearts
There's no long years can tear us apart
Our futures entwined with your past 
Because when we lie awake
We'll be thinking of you

Blow, Grey Lady blow your ships back home
Blow, Grey Lady blow your ships back home

Bravado is all but gone
And patience is down
You scared us and you've turned us around
But you won't let us drown
Because when we lie asleep
We'll be dreaming of you 

Blow, Grey Lady blow your ships back home
Blow, Grey Lady blow your ships back home

So answer us when we call
And say if you think we're old
When life is so short we can stay long
But you'll never be alone
Because one day we'll return
We'll be waiting for you

Blow, Grey Lady blow your ships back home

Blow, Grey Lady blow your ships back home

Blow, Grey Lady blow your ships back home

Blow, Grey Lady blow your ships back home

Blow, Grey Lady blow your ships back home