
Orb of Empire


We follow every etiquette of our royal appointment
Procedure, protocol, profit, employment
Civilize the savages and bring them reason
Hack our way right through the heart of any Eden

Do you dare call me a liar?
Do you think this is a drunkard's jest?
You are in the presence of nothing less
Than the orb of empire
The Sun never sets
On empire

Indeed it is oppressive diabolic heat
I find some respite taking samples of the local meats
You may consider this some brand of venal crime
We grant allowances to those who toe the line

Are you implying I am a liar?
Do you think this a braggart's bet?
You are in the presence of nothing less
Than the orb of empire

The service is ready the table is set
We only request your proper attire
Well done, well played, and well met
You are in the presence of nothing less
Than the orb of empire!

The Sun never sets
On empire!
Toe the line!