The obscure dream had taken Bella to a place of chaos There, Absalom revealed his true form: Hades, God of Death He tells Bella that she and Alex are one of the reincarnations Of the star-crossed lovers, Seikilos and Euterpe Seikilos was a poet in ancient Ionia Plagued by disease, he wrote a beautiful song before dying And dedicated it to his wife, Euterpe. Athena, Goddess of Wisdom Felt their sadness, something an immortal seldom would She decided to steal Seikilos’ and Euterpe’s souls From Hades and give them life anew on Earth The shadow-man, infuriated, could not let this be Since then, every few generations they are born again Seek love again, only to be killed by Absalom/Hades Bella tells her dream to Alex. They discuss it, and feel driven It’s our survival, our Love That Should Not Be, the most precious thing They decide to fight. Suddenly, a mirror in Bella’s apartment cracks Instead of their reflection, there is only Absalom What follows is a dialogue Being Believing Love Pain Being the believer a loser or winner Wallow in poverty Poor men, work is the trial Of society Fodder of fools Master Commander Servant Slave Mastering the manly means of corruption Wallow in luxury Assailants, sibilant seductions Serendipity? Fools for fodder There are no masters, only your Shackles Only your chains! You are free, unbound Lost and never found The Mirror Two sides, not the same The Mirror Two sides of the same The Mirror Two sides Often same (often same) Let the third side surface The Mirror Two sides Often same The Mirror Two sides of the same The Mirror Two sides, not the same (not the same, not the same) Let the third side surface We are the masters, love your Shackles Kiss your chains! Unfree and bound Lost and never found