Riding bike on the street Be hit by brt Surf on the top of the train Go to engenhão for a football game Dumbs ways to die In rio, dumbs ways to die Dumbs ways to die in rio So many dumb ways to die Waiting a hospital line Stop the car at the redlight Be hit by on the hole Die because your team score the goal Dumbs ways to die In rio, dumbs ways to die Dumbs ways to die in rio So many dumb ways to die Be routed in your house Be in the building in falls Drive in road full of holes Get scared with the price of the popular solds Dumbs ways to die In rio, dumbs ways to die Dumbs ways to die in rio So many dumb ways to die Sufocate on Sun or subway Get a shot from out of bullet Walk on the street and the burrowed the garbage To water on the floor and get eletrocuted Drive on joa and he falls They may not rhyme but they're quite possibly Dumbs ways to die Dumbs ways to die Dumbs ways to die in rio So many dumb, so many dumb ways to die Be safe on rio