This bitter day He has all the guts to make itself the man Causes you much headache Can you check? How a look can express All the regrets Who wants lemonade? When they knock your face With a gloom phrase Surprise returns With crack and beers They wanna break your face Without a trace Now the blood is covering my dare But I don't care Who wants lemonade? When they knock you face With a gloom phrase Who wants lemonade? Who wants lemonade? Who wants lemonade? When they knock you face With a gloom phrase When they knock your face (Shalalala yeah) When they knock your face Who wants lemonade? Who wants lemonade? Who wants lemonade? When they knock your face With a gloom phrase Who wants lemonade? Who wants lemonade? (Da da da da da da da) Who wants lemonade? When they knock your face (Da da da da da da da) Who wants lemonade? Who wants lemonade? (Da da da da da da da) Who wants lemonade? All the junkies around want to dig me a grave