Around the time I saw the light of morning A comradeship of heroes was laid From every corner of the world came sailing The Fifty International Brigade They came to stand beside the Spanish people To try and stem the rising fascist tide Franco's allies were the powerful and wealthy Frank Ryan's men came from the other side Even the olives were bleeding As the battle for Madrid it thundered on Truth and love against the force of evil Brotherhood against the fascist clan Viva la Quinta Brigada No Pasaran, the pledge that made them fight Adelante was the cry around the hillside Let us all remember them tonight Bob Hilliard was a Church of Ireland pastor Form Killarney across the Pyrenees he came From Derry came a brave young Christian Brother And side by side they fought and died in Spain Tommy Woods age seventeen died in Cordoba With Na Fianna he learned to hold his gun From Dublin to the Villa del Rio He fought and died beneath the Spanish Sun Many Irishmen heard the call of Franco Joined Hitler and Mussolini too Propaganda from the pulpit and newspapers Helped O'Duffy to enlist his crew The call came from Maynooth, "support the facists" The men of cloth had failed yet again When the Bishops blessed the Blueshirts in Dun Laoghaire As they sailed beneath the swastika to Spain This song is a tribute to Frank Ryan Kit Conway and Dinny Coady too Peter Daly, Charlie Regan and Hugh Bonar Though many died I can but name a few Danny Boyle, Blaser-Brown and Charlie Donnelly Liam Tumilson and Jim Straney from the Falls Jack Nalty, Tommy Patton and Frank Conroy Jim Foley, Tony Fox and Dick O'Neill Na hora em que vi a luz da manhã Uma camaradagem de heróis se firmou De todos os cantos do mundo veio navegando A Décima-quinta brigada internacional Eles vieram lutar ao lado do povo espanhol Para tentar conter a crescente maré fascista Os aliados de Franco eram os ricos e poderosos Os homens de Frank Ryan vinham do outro lado Até as azeitonas sangravam Enquanto a batalha de Madri relampejava Verdade e Amor contra as forças do mal Irmandade contra o clã fascista Viva a décima-quinta brigada Não passarão, o juramento que os fez lutar Adelante era o grito nas colinas Vamos todos lembrar deles essa noite Bob Hillard era um pastor da Igreja da Irlanda De Killarney através dos Pirenéus ele veio De Derry veio um bravo jovem irmão cristão E lado a lado eles lutaram e morreram na Espanha Tommy Woods, dezessete anos, morreu em Córdoba Com Na Fianna ele aprendeu a segurar sua arma De Dublin para Villa del Rio Ele lutou e morreu sob o sol Espanhol Muitos irlandeses ouviram o chamado de Franco Se juntaram a Hitler e Mussolini também Propaganda no púlpito e nos jornais Ajudaram O'Duffy a recrutar sua tripulação O chamado veio de Maynooth, apoiem os fascistas Os homens de bata haviam falhado novamente Quando os bispos abençoaram os camisas-azuis em Dun Laoghaire Enquanto eles velejavam sob a suástica rumo à Espanha Essa canção é um tributo a Frank Ryan Kit Conway e Dinny Coady também Peter Daly, Charlie Regan e Hugh Bonar Muitos morreram mas só consigo nomear alguns Danny Boyle, Blaser-Brown e Charlie Donnelly Liam Tumilson e Jim Straney das Cataratas Jack Nalty, Tommy Patton e Frank Conroy Jim Foley, Tony Fox e Dick O'Neill