Drowning Fish

16, A Bombshell And My Friend

Drowning Fish

Sixteen, a bombshell… and my friend 
Brown flowing silk for hair 
Chocolate eyes and a natural tan 
A candy cane smile, pure as snow and love 
Somewhere along the way 
I guess I fell in love 
You said you're gonna miss me 
And I just laughed 
But then you just disappeared 
And left me only with 
The re-runs of the past 

Looking back at the times 
We once had 
Sixteen, a bombshell, and my friend 
Laughing, having fun 
Just you and me 
Take me back to the time when we were friends 

You wanted to ditch 
But I felt bad 
Small town values, colliding with big city demands 
Got so high off the bliss you'd inject into me 
We both thought we were the beginning 
Of a good thing 

You said you're gonna miss me 
I wanted to cry 
And then you just disappeared 
Left me waiting there 
All alone and in the rain 

Looking back at the times 
We once had 
Sixteen, a bombshell, and my friend 
Laughing, having fun 
Just you and me 
Take me back to the time when we were friends 

You said you're gonna miss me 
That night I cried 
Thought about what we had 
Why did it have to end 
Who took the you out of I 

Looking back at the times 
We once had 
Sixteen, a bombshell, and my friend 
Laughing, having fun 
Just you and me 
Take me back to the time when we were friends