Politicians dressed of green and yellow to pretend simpathy They were chosen to keep the control of a condemned crew State is a farce that we agree to each tax we put in garbage Don't believe in a beauty campaign Never wait the world's end to react You won't be in heaven for free! It won't be better following the worst State has left you there back! Our lives have the same value, our destinies don't We navigated in a corruption' seas will pay for that Governant hasn't the power to punish effectively Citizen's fury can't be controlled one more time State is a farce that we agree to each tax we put in garbage The ignorance is a drug anesthetizing our sense State has left the building It wont help your defense Don't believe in a bauty campaign Never wait the world's end to react You won't be in a heaven for free! It won't be better following the worst Don't believe in a beauty campaign Never wait the world's end to react You won't be in a heaven for free! It won't be better following the worst State has left you there back!