Slow control machine can't stop the faster gun of freedom How many will die serving for example, but no one to punish True freedom we have is spending the hope to perish Aiming on the forehead... The justice in a finger Nobody can control the bullet tearing the air! Seconds before the shot you don't retreat and laugh There are few to make you remind, lots to make you forget Seconds before the shot... Yeah! Each body lying has a rich story to increase the numbers Kind words won't save the world, won't close the wounds Another head falls, opening the hole, bleeding the lungs Aiming on the forehead... The justice in a finger Nobody can control the bullet tearing the air! Aiming on the forehead... The justice in a finger Nobody can control the bullet tearing the air! Seconds before the shot you don't retreat and laugh There are few to make you remind, lots to make you forget Seconds before the shot... Yeah!