


I'm feel almost God with my AK-47… 
Blessed be my finger when I pull the fuckn' trigger!
Never act against the will of Deity… Kill!!!
I will show all my scorn… When I pull the trigger!
Blessed be your dead… Blessed be your cripples!

Kill him!!! Burn him!!! God will choose the last… 
Kill him!!! Burn him!!! Ending is coming fast…

Follow, capture and torture…
Kill… Make the God real. 
Stop praying… back to war!!!
Die for your God… for your war!!!

And so it is writing (…is writing)
… So I will make…(…for God!)
It's the will of hate… 
My hatred is a gift from God.

Kill!!! Kill!!! Kill!!!
Kill… Make the evil real.
Stop praying… back to the killing.
Die for your hate… for your killing.