Dressy  Bessy

Super Everything

Dressy Bessy

Friends keep saying- what's your hurry you'll be
married one day surely
think about other things super*everything
with discount rooms- belated stories
golden rules for ears ignoring
dream about bigger things super*everything
then you'll sing

But first you gotta settle down take it easy
then find out why the other crowd doesn't 
need me- welcome to the here & now
It's easy- welcome to the here & now
go crazy

Girls keep sayin'- what's your story
Your life's fair and mine is boring
think about better things super*everything
then you'll sing

But first you gotta settle down take it easy
then find out why the other crowd doesn't need me
- welcome to the here & now
It's easy- welcome to the here & now
go crazy

Think about the super Star 
that they'd be missing
Bring about a super star
so they could kiss him
think about super things super*everything
maybe sing- it louder!

But first you gotta settle down take it easy
then find out why the other crowd doesn't need me
-welcome to the here & now
It's easy- welcome to the here & now
go crazy