How many memories, fading into the mist how many flowers, hidden upon my head are killing a part of me, turning into something new while all becomes nothing and then it begins to Be How many fantasies, fading into the real tears of illusions melting in an endless sea something is withering morphing into something new while all becomes something that I was so scared to see. Searching the deepest sense of life lighting the Real flame Searching the deepest meaning of hope walking the Real way where the love , the hate, the meaning, the senses have nothing to do with the words. Fear to change, loneliness and other dark tricks of your mi nd to feel ashamed, emptiness and the other dark tricks of your heart become the One without a name the real stranger you hide Material Chains [Material Blame] [Material Faith] Castles of vanity, growing inside my soul clouds of desires, covering the real sun so many puppets in the scene building that "Real" lie where the love , the hate, the meaning, the senses have nothing to do with these words. [REPEAT A] Material chains, Material Blame the real stranger you hide.