If you want the case, regain his love, the longing call it torture for flowers, send her a flower, send a telemensaguem, a love letter, cutting the node that do not loose a serenade enluarada overnight. Sing a song pretty well, ponteie his guitar, and the below the window, singing to her tell her love, your passion, but not if everything goes fine ...., off this suffocation ..... Put this méla-melon, put your foot in her ass, send it off stump, if she does not want, go dancing going on foot, there 's full of women, there 's full of women ... do not cry no large that spiel, run there for red light that there 's full of love If you want the case, regain his love, the longing call it torture for flowers, send her a flower, send a telemensaguem, a love letter, cutting the node that do not loose a serenade enluarada overnight. Sing a song pretty well, ponteie his guitar, and the below the window, singing to her tell her love, your passion, but not if everything goes fine ...., off this suffocation ..... Put this méla-melon, put your foot in her ass, send it off stump, if she does not want, go dancing going on foot, there 's full of women, there 's full of women ... do not cry no large that spiel, run there for red light that there 's full of love