Dream Map


Dream Map

I hear it softly humming
The light behind the open door
I have the strangest feeling
Like it is pulling me in

The moment I step in the light
The sight is blinding me
A whole new world is waiting
And it is full of magic!

Don’t know if what I see is real
A land full of mystery
Colourful creatures, ancient trees
All in harmony

Birds singing to a starry sky
Wolves howling in the moonlight
A kingdom far beyond my dreams
I don’t want to leave!

The glimmer of the warm Sun
Reflects like diamonds on the leaves
Bright flowers coming to life
As I roam through the forest

I feel enchanted, calm and free
The magic fills my soul
My heart feels like it’s floating
There’s so much to discover!

Welcome, stranger, to the kingdom of plenty
Can you feel the magic in the air?
What you see goes beyond reality
But it appears only to those who believe!