Sleep with me, we will make lots of money, I will buy you a diamond ring, I'll get your face on all the covers, even though you can't sing When there's a million more of these pretty toys, but I know that you've just got a dirty mind. So over-Rated, so overblown, corrupt and outdated, ready to take it home? Bitch to me and I'll do you no favours, 'cause there's a million more where you came from. Trust in me, I'll get your picture in the papers but don't forget I own you from now on When there's a million more of these pretty toys, but I know that you've just got a dirty mind. So over-Rated, so overblown, corrupt and outdated, ready to take it home? I'll get your name in all the magazines and the radio playing every song but there's a million more like you in every scene count the cash, you won't be around for long When there's a million more of these pretty toys, but I know that you've just got a dirty mind. So over-Rated, so overblown, corrupt and outdated, ready to take it home?