Strike with fang and claw Casting down the oppressor's law Out on the fields of Ascalon A huntress stalks her prey Though few in number and far from home The shaman caste will pay The arrows fly It's do or die The battle has begun And side by side Her warband fights Till victory is won The shamans thought she was too weak And now they fall before her feet She plays to win 'Cause she has nothing left to lose Strike with fang and claw Casting down the oppressor's law Brothers and sisters take up arms Until all are free None truly can be Glory to the charr Battle on and battle hard Do it for dignity and pride Do it 'cause all deserve to rise Do it for Kalla To the arena's dust she went Her life bet on a duel To plead her case before the Legions In the only tongue they knew Though Ironstrike did slash and bite She parried each attack She wore him down The turned and pounced And knocked the bastard flat The soldiers thought she was too weak Now they surrender in her teeth On into hellfire As her story unfolds Strike with fang and claw Casting down the oppressor's law Brothers and sisters take up arms Until all are free None truly can be Glory to the charr Battle on and battle hard Do it for dignity and pride Do it 'cause all deserve to rise Do it for Kalla 1116, accepting the enemy's surrender The coward stabbed her with a poisoned dagger They tried to silence the voice that spoke too loud But the Mists still swirl round and round With the name of Kalla Scorchrazor Strike with fang and claw Casting down the oppressor's law Brothers, sisters, and beyond Stand up side by side And hold the line Glory to the charr Battle on and battle hard Do it for dignity and pride Do it 'cause all deserve to rise Do it for Kalla