Dragon Ash


Dragon Ash

*Go Dark cherries Da speed of sound
Takin' the lead, flyin' around
Dark cherries Da speed of sound
Over the rainbow at a bound
Some snowflakes began to fall from true blue sky
We always swagger 'bout, go like a bomb bomb ride
Just singin' on

Di ri like this Da ri ri like that ryoute nobashite pitto mae he
Di ri like this Da ri ri like that soukehi bashite ippo mae he
U say don't stop I say don't quit ryoute nobashite pitto mae he
U say don't stop I say don't quit soukehi bashite ippo mae he


Di ri like this Da ri ri like that hate mesou tookuhe fuki hibe kaze
Di ri like this Da ri ri like that kakeru onsoku de yuki tokemade
U say don't stop I say don't quit hate mesou tookuhe fuki hibe kaze
U say don't stop I say don't quit kakeru onsoku de yuki tokimade

**Go speed of sound konayuki ga mau tabini Go ride on
Go speed of sound yuki okega kuru maeni

Let's think about snowscape Heads! Sing about You know phrase
Let's think about snowscape Heads! Sing about You know phrase


Go speed of sound takaraka ni koe wo age Go ride on
Go speed of sound karoyakani koeru kabe