Draconis Infernum

Regime Of The Underworld

Draconis Infernum

Yan lou wang
Yama raja
Enma o
Hail the almighty king of hell!!!
Yan lou wang
Yama raja
Enma o
Praise the doughty judge of death!
Reigning over feng du, relentlessly
Ten courts full of torture and anguish
Boiling oil and heart gouging paradise
Wailing souls
The anthem of your infernal majesty!
Thy infernal majesty!
Sixteen chambers under your deathsquad
Pools of filth and lakes of blood abound
Bloody woods of blades grace your throne
Cells of ice and black ropes - their sins atoned!
Burning wok of oblivion to suffocate
Grinding machines catered to defile
Wanton brutality, forever scot-free!
Everlasting astral feasting spree!!!
Honour the keeper of the death scrolls
Obeisance be to supreme hell gods
Incense for thee!
Exalt the regime of the underworld!
Beyond the end of time he stands!
Beyond the end of world he reigns!
Beyond the end of life he rules!
Beyond the end of days he governs!
Exalt the regime of the underworld!
He stands, he reigns
He rules, he governs!
Yan lou wang!