Time broke in dismally lit halls of overwrought Attempts to speak of kinships found though never sought I am the death of man I speak but falling on deaf ears it seems Becomes the stagnant sequence Buried words perched atop a fallen dream Soak up the torment and pin it to your broken face I am the black seed, the shadow born from eons of disgrace Break this neck Cover me up in a blood-stained bed For now We never asked for this guilt We never sought to see what's down the line It's like two comas in succession Endless Redraw the line As we stumble backwards, crumble in the tide Wipe your fears away These crippled hands grow impatient Collapse the time Fill this cup now with the soured blood of Christ And twist the knife again The more I look the more I see through this opaque charade I beg forgiveness, reprisal Return to me what once was mine (Tenfold this time) Conviction, desire Rolling stones up a steep incline I stand for every spoiled rotten race of leaders to come So end this now Let every river welcome the flood Stick, stuck, stung With the poison of a coward's tongue Black eye bruise Tells the story of a made up truth As every hour lasts a lifetime So every instance is a waste of time Like being strangled by a kite string Trembling I want it I need it I feel it It falls apart