I was born in the Middle Earth Made no decisions about my birth Seems to me I only came to have to die Pushed out through a woman's legs Not asked - the reason why When I began all I did was eat and drink It was a time before I started me to think Used my body, hardened up my heart, - Didn't realise it was My soul - that came apart Three Parts to my soul Spiritus, manes et umbra While I was growing To put to practice all the good things I had learned 'Love your neighbour', 'Give shelter to your friend', 'Suppress the evil in your heart', 'The means - will make the end' Three Parts to my soul Spiritus, manes et umbra The more I live, to love caress and tend The more I know the need to rave and rip and rend So liberate my soul, come see the trinity - Neither good nor bad It's dead - that makes you free Three Parts to my soul Spiritus, manes et umbra