Turtles drinking whiskey, robots serving pie bowling balls smoking stogies saying hi to passersby a singing telegram, that sings all by itself and a millionaire that likes to share all of his wealth a bandit cowboy cactus, a 16 legged cow and a skunk that just can't figure out, damn, what's that smell? a zebra colored cheetah, rodents wearing socks elephants riding on the backs of their own giant cocks all this and more is here so come and see Welcome to a place that you'll never frown a twisted little place called Crazy Town Where a horse is the mayor of all of us and he loves to cuss Turtles drinking whiskey, an emu sporting cords water balloons settling allt heir battles with some plastic swords a platypus dressed like rambo, a drunken ninja mule every single fish in the world traveling in one giant school you'll never have to wait in line to have a pee (never wait in line to pee) cuz wherever you go is just fine with me Welcome to a place that you'll never frown a twisted little place called Crazy Town Where a horse is the mayor of all of us and his cursing has become a little bit offensive Go pants-less or maybe in just a gown because anything goes here in Crazy Town wear a hula skirt, a wig, or just drool a lot I'm only wearing one sock so the outside world can be a little bit frightening and you're looking for a place that's sort of enlightening set yourself free and you will see so go a little crazy and join me Welcome to a place that you'll never frown a twisted little place called Crazy Town Where a horse is the mayor of all of us and his favorite words can not be said on television Go pants-less or maybe in just a gown because anything goes here in Crazy Town wear a hula skirt, a wig, or just drool a lot I'm only wearing one sock