Banished into distant outer space Time was bent, he was cast out Far away to another place Powered by the potent cosmic rays Triple sun, double brain Do the math = kill the master race Signs from the other side of death Burning mind, twist of fate, hate Juxtapose before it's too late Untouched by the laws of room and time Plan ahead, make them dead Scorned by uncontrolled revenge Crush the sublime gods Light years ahead, living but dead Master of all, rulers will fall! Travelling room and time To get revenge on the human slime Meditating, time was spent Payback on the one percent! Gather knowledge of eternity From the cosmic library Dual membrane super mind Planet earth he's sure to find Crush the sublime gods Oooh crush 'em! Time has come, assembling an army Ufos, no one knows from Where they came, some galaxy Crawl out of the edge of a black hole Planet earth, nothing worse, eight wars Have passed since the first Crush the sublime gods