Tom: D D I can't reach the clouds for you, A I'll never touch the Sun for you, I've never done the things D That you need done for you. I've streached as high as I can reach, G I guess I'm not the one for you; A D Cause I can't reach the clouds or touch the sun for you. A D No I can't reach the clouds or touch the sun. D I can't turn back time for you, A And make you sweet sixteen again, And I can't turn your barren fields D To green again. And I won't sit around and talk G Of how things might have been again, A D No I can't turn back time and make you young again. A D I can't turn back time and make you young. A I hope you find somebody who G D Can do the things I didn't do G D And find a road I didn't find G A And build a brighter world for you. D I hope you find somebody bold G D Enough to reach and take a hold G D And guide your ever changing mind G A And free your ever rising soul. G A But I can't. No, I can't. (back to first verse progression) I can't look inside your mind And see the things you're hoping for. And I can't help you chase the dream You're groping for. You say your arms are open wide, But lord knows who they're open for. No, I can't know your mind or chase your dreams with you. I can't chase your dreams or know your mind. E So say goodbye, and don't look back D I've had some happy days with you, A D Sorry I can't be the one who stays with you. And when they ask about me, G YOu can say I was the one with you A D Who never reached the clouds or touched the sun for you. A D No, I can't reach the clouds or touch the sun. A I guess it's done, D I can't touch the sun for you.