Dr. Emptiness

She Pumped Up Blood Through My Veins

Dr. Emptiness

It all started with this
That type of party most people can't resist
But I'm a bit

Outsider here, I mean, I'm really outsider here
You said that I don't have to fear
It's just a party, my dear, oh, my dear

She pumped up blood through my veins
Did nothing, it was all my brain's
Slo-mo cam in that shitty man
Envy-looking on me and then

She closed her eyes in a dark surprise
Didn't doubt 'bout my strange subconcious might
She knew I would kiss her
Put my hands on her waist and pulled the trigger

She pumped up blood through my brain
Dopamine makes me feel like I'm in cocaine
Terrible looking, flannel shirt
Didn't give a fuck I was in a rush
And so did her