Rape you with a Spiderman mask on Rape you with a Spiderman mask on Rape you with a Spiderman mask on Rape you with a Spiderman mask on Some like Batman, some The Hulk Some The Phantom and Superman Some vote He-Man, some The Thing But I myself like Spiderman Rape you with a Spiderman mask on Open yourself for me Buttcrack's open, dickfucked lady Spidercum just pour like gravy Webbed up in my little nest The mask is on and I'm the best Buttcrack's open, dickfucked lady Spidercum just pour like gravy Wrapped up in my little nest The mask is on and I'm the bes Fuck is on and you are crying The deeper it goes, the more you're dying You said you weren't afraid of spiders Shut your hole you fucking liar Webbed up in my little nest The mask is on and I'm the best