In a trivial afternoon A whisper put me down Unwished words Come to rip my delight for life It wasn't part of the plan In your journey to face the storm A painful and ruthless end A spit on your honor Can't find the way out Fury, boiling blood Is strange how it feels Wish I could hold you now I'll never be the same You shouldn't have gone Childhood of great memories Became only dreams undone Remember when you said No matter what tomorrow brings Always be yourself And do the right things I never wanted All this pain in my life What fells right? Revenge no matter how What are these walls that surround me? Just caught myself in a labyrinth Look at cracked mirror and what I see Roots of a bad seed choking me You, oh the most beautiful pair of iris Will you stand by me in this crisis? Soon I'll be here To hold strong and say: there is nothing to fear Why is so hard for you to understand? Violence won't make you a better man So could you tell me? A merciless fight Is that what you choose to be?